Superconductivity and Magnetism Group, University of Warwick

Name: Superconductivity and Magnetism Group, Department of Physics, University of Warwick [ web ]

Contact: G. Balakrishnan

Description: The Superconductivity Magnetism Group has an established reputation for the study of a range of materials that include magnetic, high TC and other exotic superconductors, intermetallic heavy fermions, charge-ordered oxides exhibiting colossal magnetoresistance, multiferroics and frustrated and low-dimensional magnetic materials. The group has an international reputation for the growth of high quality single crystals of oxides and related materials. It is extremely well equipped, with 3 different types of optical mirror furnaces. Crystal growth can also be carried out by techniques such as the Bridgman method, flux method and chemical vapour transport using a range of conventional furnaces. In recent years, it has acquired expanded capabilities to grow crystals of intermetallic materials, such as the non-centro-symmetric superconductors. Apart from the x-ray powder diffraction instruments used for monitoring the chemical composition of material, crystal production, quality control, orientation and alignment is facilitated by a real-time back-reflection Laue camera system, consisting of a high-resolution CCD camera and a 6-stage goniometer. The measurement laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for magnetometry, transport, thermodynamic and dielectric measurements over a wide temperature range. The laboratory is well known for hosting visiting scientists and offers meticulous training in crystal growth. 

Researchers involved in the mobility plan: G. Balakrishnan, R.P. Singh, M. Smidman  and M. R. Lees. 

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