Activities and tasks of the work packages:
- Management: management of the project activities.
- Mobility: to coordinate the mutual activity for the transfer of know-how about fabrication, analysis and computation of multi-functional materials. Activities include: mentoring, lectures, seminars, specific training, laboratory guidance. Improve expertise and competence.
- Recruitment: to recruit and employ experienced researchers in the thematic area of synthesis, characterization and modeling of multi-functional advanced materials.
- Workshops and Conference: to organize workshops and conference for promoting knowledge exchange at trans-national level. To enlarge participant research excellence reputation on the international stage and at all levels of the relevant stakeholders active in the field of multifunctional material science.
- Promotion and Dissemination: to disseminate and promote the results of the project. To create communication channels.
- Equipment: to purchase or upgrade already existing equipment relevant for the research activities related to multi-functional materials.
- Evaluation: to provide evaluation analysis by international independent experts of the level of participant overall research quality and capability (including management and research infrastructures) and define an Strategic Plan to improve its research capacities.