Promotion and Dissemination

Leader: N. Martucciello
Nadia Martucciello
Web manager: M. Cembalo
Dott. Maurizio Cembalo

The activities of the 'Promotion and Dissemination' work package aim at disseminating and promoting the results of the project to ensure increased visibility of SPIN excellence and know-how, within the EU and elsewhere.
The target of this work package is also to create communication channels among SPIN, EU partners, private and public organizations, research centres and all relevant stakeholders related to the field of multifunctional materials. The tasks to be carried out in this WP refer to the project communication, the interaction with the National stakeholders, the participation of SPIN staff at Conferences and Workshops and the interaction with SME.

Organization of events for different levels of stakeholders. Brochures, flyers and booklets will be prepared about project and SPIN activities. There are 12 events within the WP to be advertised where to distribute printed materials about the project and the SPIN activities in general (6 one-day Forum with SME and 6 one-day broad audience congress). Still, we plan to promote and disseminate the potential impact of multifunctional material research in relation to daily-life by organizing broad audience events (2 half-day event for year). The events will be held in the Campus of the Universities of Salerno and Naples (or eventually in other sites suitable for broad audience events) during spring in the period commonly devoted to the scientific divulgation and promotion.
There will be a press communication activity related to deliver regular articles in regional and national press for attracting the attention of the general public on the activities/topics related to the project and about the international echo on multifunctional materials. One article any six month will be written and delivered to regional and national press. To monitor the success of such initiative an indicator will be considered to count the number of invitations received by the research staff involved in the project for contribution to public event. Press representatives will be also invited for the occurrence of important events. In these occasions, a questionnaire will be distributed to the participants for getting a feedback of the level of satisfaction and interest towards the event and the topic. This tool will be used to evaluate the strategy to impact on the relevant stakeholders for the project.
We plan to organize seed meetings to promote international networking and knowledge sharing about the project topics by organizing three exploratory round tables with about 10 world-wide experts. These meetings will be held during the workshops planned in the 'Workshops and Conference' WP.
Multimedia about multifunctional advanced materials and phenomena connected to their physics will be prepared to be exhibited during occasional or permanent events open to general public. An indicator to monitor the number of requests vs the profile of the customer will be used to check the impact. The multimedia will be also made accessible on the web-site of the project. The number of web visitors will be monitored.
Concerning the participation of SPIN staff at Conferences and Workshops, we plan to have a support to expose SPIN to a more international environment and to disseminate the most recent and relevant scientific results and project results. Invited seminars of the research staff at highly qualified national, EU and trans-EU research centers will be considered. Participation of the research staff at conferences, workshops and round tables about topics related to multi-functional advanced materials (overall is about 10 events per year). The participation to such events is limited
to research staff that has to present relevant and recent research results and/or project results.
After the event, the participant has to present within a “conference and/or seminar report” the main focus and physics views of the attended meeting and about the given presentation. Such procedure is already included in the quality system management for the process related to the verification means and added value to increase of research potential due to the participation to highly qualifying scientific meetings.
Finally, for the interaction with the SME we plane to set up strategic stakeholders partnerships with the aim of exposing SPIN to the entrepreneurial world benefiting of the project results and then improve its interaction with SME at regional and national level. Such task is to support the process of disseminating results towards the industrial community and to highlight the added value brought by the project. In this task we aim at having a team of SPIN research staff tightly collaborating with consultants who are leaders in finding out optimal solutions for interfacing the SPIN research potential to the industrial environment. The selection of the most suitable consultant to deal with such task will be achieved by means of a specific call for tenders. This is not a core activity of the project but it is only a support for the identification and modelling of the major stakeholders. The selection of the most suitable consultant to deal with such task will be achieved by means of a specific call for tenders. This is not a core activity of the project but it is only a support for the identification and modelling of the major stakeholders. The activity starts at the month 18th, following the preparatory work related to the intellectual property management presented in the WP1, and it ends at the month 36th. The outcome at the 24th month will be included in the compulsory report. Outputs of such task will be: database of potential SMEs target for the industrial sector, development and application of an operating methodology to support the matching between SPIN and the enterprises in order to identify and stimulate collaborations and/or joint R&D programs. Identification of suitable collaboration with potential entrepreneurs and stakeholders who would benefit of the knowledge acquired within the project. The concern about the intellectual property to be considered for such task are treated in the WP1 with the support of an expert who is in charge of preparing the material and the transfer of the basic know-how required for the nteraction with SME.
Furthermore, we plan to organize Forum with SME (2 one-day meeting for year) about different aspects of multi-functional materials with the aim of activating a channel of communication and knowledge sharing as well as to promote the potential spin-off and technological transfer of the PIN project activities towards the SME.



To disseminate and promote the results of the project. To ensure increased visibility of SPIN excellence and know-how, its activities within the EU and elsewhere.
To create communication channels among SPIN, EU partners, private and public organizations, research centres and all relevant stakeholders related to the field of multifunctional materials.


5.1 Web-communication. To activate, maintain and run a public access web-site.
5.2 National stakeholders interaction. Preparation and dissemination at national level about SPIN activities related to the project
5.3 Participation of SPIN staff at Conferences and Workshops.
5.4 Interaction with SME.


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