
Leader: M. Cuoco
Dott. Mario Cuoco
Project Assistant: D. Finizio
Dott.ssa Daniela Finizio

The Management work package is devoted to the management of the program, ensuring the timely execution of the planned work, to the management and the coordination of the financial and the technical reporting and the exchange of information. Further, the function of this work package (WP) is to monitor the consistency of the planned activities with a continuous benchmarking activity and to coordinate the activity in the WPs ensuring the timely achievements of the objectives and the management of the deviations from the foreseen plan. The quality management deals with the monitoring of the project advancement. Periodical verification of the project objectives, and review of tasks and milestones are considered as useful means. An indicator for monitoring the number of proposals submitted as coordinators by research staff of SPIN, during the project lifetime, in FP7 about the thematic area of the project (a minimum value has to be 2) will be considered. Similar to the previous one, there will be also an indicator to monitor the FP7 project activities where SPIN acts as a participant. Other indicators are also considered for monitoring the impact to the research potential increase of the activities planned within the project.


To manage the program, ensuring the timely execution of the planned work.
To manage and coordinate the financial and the technical reporting and the exchange of information.
To monitor the consistency of the planned activities with a continuous benchmarking activity.
To coordinate the activity in the WPs ensuring the timely achievements of the objectives and the managing deviations from the plan.


1.1 Quality management.
1.2 Work package coordination
1.3 Technical and financial management.
1.4 Protection and management of intellectual property (IP) keeping.


Indicators for added value to improved research potential and general monitoring of the project activities

  1. FP7 project coordination
    This indicator measures the number of FP7 submitted pojects for which SPIN is the coordinator.
  2. FP7 project participant
    This indicator measures the number of FP7 pojects for which SPIN is a participant.
  3. Mobility time schedule
    This indicator measures the percentage of know-how exchange visits happening according to the programmed time schedule. Measuring the deviation of the last of the visiting period from the planned schedule.
  4. Scientific production
    This indicator measures the scientific production of SPIN in collaboration with the project’s partners by counting the joined papers published on International journals with high impact factor threshold.
  5. Patents
    This indicator measures the technology innovation capacity of SPIN as due to the exchange with the partners by counting the number of submitted patents related to the project thematic area.
  6. Results
    This indicator measures the efficiency and the added value of the know- how exchange by monitoring the number of invited talks received by SPIN staff to present the scientific results at workshops and conferences within the thematic area of the project.
  7. Web visiting
    This indicator measures the number of visits of the web pages related to the project.
  8. Public events invitations
    This indicator measures the success of the public events and the press communication by counting the number of invitations received by the SPIN staff for giving a speech to broad audience events.

Additional information