
Leader: G. Cantele
Dott. Cantele

The Mobility work package is devoted to the know-how exchange activities. The objectives of this work package aims at coordinating the mutual activity for the transfer of know-how among SPIN and the partners about experimental techniques as well as the different procedures related to growth and characterization of multi-functional advanced materials, at coordinating the mutual activity for the transfer of know-how, among SPIN and the partners about general magneto-transport and advanced surface/interface characterization of multi-functional advanced materials, and a mutual exchange among SPIN and the partners about advanced computational and theoretical tools for investigating and modeling electronic, magnetic and spectroscopic data of transition metal oxides and of heterostructures.


To coordinate the mutual activity for the transfer of know-how among SPIN and the partners about experimental techniques as well as the different procedures related to growth and characterization of multi-functional advanced materials.
To coordinate the mutual activity for the transfer of know-how, among SPIN and the partners about general magneto-transport and advanced surface/interface characterization of multi-functional advanced materials.
To coordinate a mutual exchange among SPIN and the partners about advanced computational and theoretical tools for investigating and modeling electronic, magnetic and spectroscopic data of transition metal oxides and of heterostructures.


Exchange of know-how and experience between CNR-SPIN and partners.

2.1 Mobility with University of Twente

2.2 Mobility with Chalmers University of Technology

2.3 Mobility with Risø National Laboratory

2.4 Mobility with University of Geneve, DPMC

2.5 Mobility with IMDEA

2.6 Mobility with Bonn University

2.7 Mobility with School of Physics & Astronomy University of St. Andrews

2.8 Mobility with Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory

2.9 Mobility with Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics

2.10 Mobility with Institut für Festkörperforschung and Institute for Advanced Simulation


<p><strong><br>Documents and Forms </strong></p><hr/>

<p>Report templates for mobility <b>to</b> SPIN institutes: <a href="/files/MOBILITY/FORMS/REPORT_Mobility_IN.doc" >.doc</a> <a href="/files/MOBILITY/FORMS/REPORT_Mobility_IN.pdf" >.pdf</a></p><p>Report template for mobility <b>from</b> SPIN institutes: <a href="/files/MOBILITY/FORMS/REPORT_Mobility_OUT.doc" >.doc</a> <a href="/files/MOBILITY/FORMS/REPORT_Mobility_OUT.pdf" >.pdf</a></p>]}

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