
Leader: L. Marrucci
Lorenzo Marrucci

The Evaluation work package is devoted to the evaluation facility activities. The objective of this WP is to provide an evaluation analysis by international independent experts of the level of SPIN overall research quality and capability (including management and research infrastructures) and define a Strategic Plan to improve its research capacities as well as to indicate the path to an improved research capacity for increased contribution to regional economic and social development and for better participation in EU projects.
The start-up activities will concern the identification of the group of experts and the schedule for the evaluation activities. Due to the size of SPIN, the best number of experts to carry out the evaluation activity is estimated to be 3. We have to provide to the Commission the profiles for the scientific components of the evaluation experts group. At about the month 18 the Commission nominates the group of experts for the evaluation facility activities. We then plan and organize the kick-off meeting with the group of experts and WP leaders: month 24th. The first visit of the experts lasts 3 days. During this visit, the experts will have the possibility to follow the preparatory works for the relevant reporting as due at the 24th month. A short presentation of SPIN infrastructure, activities and research potential about multifunctional advanced materials and nanoscale phenomena is also foreseen The second visit of the group of experts is of 4 days and it is scheduled around the month 35 of the project. During such visit the group of experts collect information about the project results (final reporting) and they meet with both the Advisory Committee (Internal and Steering one, or at least one of the two). Such communication and interaction activities will also include a short presentation of the research activities that are mainly overlapping with those of the EU partners within the project for future strategic actions.
The group of experts will work by remote (10 working days for each member and 14 days for the chairman of the experts panel) to analyze and review the collected information of the previous tasks in order to individuate optimal strategies and work out a Strategic Plan for SPIN. Such activity may also include a critical review of the SWOT analysis presented in the project.
Finally to deliver the report of the group of experts, we plan to have a two-days visit at the month 42nd. During such occasion the panel of experts will present the final result of their evaluation activities. The presentation of the Strategic Plan will be included in a meeting with contributions dedicated to policy makers of local and national level, to regional development agencies, to a scientific audience and to all the relevant stakeholders.



To provide evaluation analysis by international independent experts of the level of SPIN overall research quality and capability (including management and research infrastructures) and define an Action Plan to improve their research capacities.
To indicate the path to an improved research capacity for increased contribution to regional economic and social development and for better participation in FP7 projects.



7.1 Start-up activities.
7.2 Communication and interaction with Committees.
7.3 Preparatory work for the Strategic Plan.
7.4 Strategic plan.

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