Seven domains of competence have been identified to put together subgroups of researchers involved in the same thematic area as reported in the following table:

Label Domain of expertise
P1 Epitaxial oxide thin films and heterostructures: growth processes and advanced characterizations
P2 Investigation of complex materials with linear and non-linear optical techniques
P3 Organic conductors and hybrid structures growth and characterization
P4 Physical phenomena and (nano)material growth from pulsed laser deposition
P5 Growth and advanced characterization of oxides single crystals and bulk samples
P6 Theory and modeling of electronic, magnetic, transport and superconducting properties in oxides and hybrid materials
P7 Fabrication and characterization of superconducting and magnetic devices and heterostructures

The researches involved  in the mobility and the other activities foreseen in the project are reported in the following table:

Domain of expertise
Research staff - SPIN
P1 C. Aruta, R. Ciancio, G. De Luca, A. Guarino, F. Miletto Granozio, A. Nigro, P. Orgiani, M. Salluzzo, U. Scotti.
P2 S. Lettieri, A. Marino, D. Paparo, A. Rubano, V. Tkachenko.
P3 M. Barra, A. Cassinese, A. Ambrosio
P4 S. Amoruso, R. Bruzzese, X. Wang.
P5 F. Giubileo, V. Granata, A. Vecchione.
P6 A. Avella, G. Cantele, M. Cuoco, C. Noce, A. Romano, A. Tagliacozzo, R. Citro, P. Lucignano
P7 C. Attanasio, C. Cirillo, G. Grimaldi, N. Martucciello, G. Pepe, D. Stornaiuolo, F. Tafuri.

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