Institute for Advanced Simulation

Name: Group of Realistic Theory of Strongly Correlated Systems, Institut für Festkörperforschung and Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungzentrum Jülich [ web ]

Contact: E. Pavarini

Description: The research program of the Group of Realistic Theory for Strongly Correlated Systems comprises the investigation of emergent phenomena occurring in systems in which the electron-electron repulsion is large. Understanding these phenomena is one of the central issues in solid state physics. The rich variety of emergent behaviors is the result of the interplay between Coulomb repulsion orbital, spin, charge degrees of freedom and chemistry. Research focus is on the understanding of such interplay.
Expertise and interest in advanced materials and complex phenomena include: transition-metal oxides, high temperature superconducting cuprates, Mott physics, spin orbital and charge ordering, NMR and Resonant X ray scattering experiments in correlated materials, highly frustrated systems. The computational competences deal with different type of targets and approaches: constructing ab-initio many-body models, electronic structure methods, Wannier functions, many-body techniques (dynamical mean-field theories, quantum Monte-Carlo, variational methods, scaling), combination of electronic structure and many-body methods.

Researchers involved in the mobility plan: E. Pavarini and E. Gorelov

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