University of Geneve
Name: Group of “New phenomena and Novel Functionalities in Artificial Oxide materials” and “Quantum electronics” at the DPMC Geneve [ web ]
Contact: J-M. Triscone(a) and A. Morpurgo(b)
Description: a) The scientific research is dedicated to the investigation of new phenomena and novel functionalities of artificial oxide materials. The group is leader at the worldwide level in the fabrication of novel oxide thin films, ranging from high temperature superconductors to a broad range of other materials including magnetic, piezoelectric, ferroelectric, and semiconducting oxides. The structural and electronic properties of these high quality epitaxial oxide materials are accessed using advanced experimental techniques.
The main achievements of the group includes: the electric field induced superconductor-insulator transition in high Tc; innovative studies of size effects and domain dynamics in ferroelectrics; the discovery of superconductivity in the
LaAlO3/SrTiO3 system and a new type of ferroelectricity in ferroelectric/dielectric superlattices.
b) The research activity of the Quantum Electronic group at the DPMC is devoted to the use of nano-electronic devices to investigate microscopic electronic processes in different classes of materials, including organic single crystals, with the aim to push further the fundamental understanding of their electronic properties, to discover new physical phenomena, and to contribute to the development of new electronic applications.
Researchers involved in the mobility plan: A. Sambri, A. Morpurgo, J-M. Triscone, S. Gariglio, P. Zubko, C. Cancellieri.