Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics
Name: Institute of Theoretical Physics at the at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden [ web ]
Contact: J. Van den Brink
Description: The research program of the Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics is jointly set up with the scientists of the four experimental IFW institutes. It comprises the research areas: superconductivity & superconductors, magnetism and magnetic materials, molecular nanostructures and molecular solids, metastable alloys, stress-driven architectures and phenomena. Focus is on materials that exhibit particular interesting physical behavior, like magnetism or superconductivity, or that are newly discovered substances promising interesting properties. The Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics comprises many scientists working on, in particular: fundamentals of density functional theory, developing the full-potential local-orbital minimum-basis band-structure methods, connection of density functional and model theories, theory of superconductivity and low-dimensional magnetism, organic electronics and electrochemistry of conducting polymers phenomenological models and simulation of nanomagnetism.
Researchers involved in the mobility plan: J. van den Brink, M. Daghofer, K. Wohlefeld, C. Ortix.