Chalmers University of Technology
Name: Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg [ web ]
Contact: F. Lombardi
Description: The research at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience covers a wide range of disciplines in microtechnology and nanoscience. Large efforts, experimental as well as theoretical, are directed to materials, devices and subsystems for future micro/nanoelectronics in the fields of microwave electronics, quantum devices, photonics, micro- and bio- and nanosystems, superconducting devices and circuits and molecular electronics just to mention a few. The group has a long tradition in the field of microstructural and morphological characterization. The microstructures are mainly investigated through the use of high- resolution analytical electron microscopy. Information is extracted ranging from the nano- to the macro- scale in order to understand how the atomic structure links with the expected or measured properties. This activity plays a fundamental and crucial role 43
both for immediate materials and device development and also to the basic understanding of materials and the modeling of the related material properties.
Researchers involved in the mobility plan: F. Lombardi, E. Olsson, A. Kalabukov