School of Physics & Astronomy
Name: Oxide Physics Group of the School of Physics & Astronomy, University of St. Andrews [ web ]
Contact: A. Mackenzie
Description: The research program of the Oxide Physics Group at the University of St. Andrews comprises the research areas: unconventional superconductivity, quantum criticality, electronic structure in low-dimensional materials – bulk de Haas-van Alphen studies combined with surface Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, fabrication of high purity materials, and interface with theoretical physics. The research focuses on the formation and analysis of novel many-body quantum ground states in complex metal oxides. These novel quantum phases have been shown to be extremely sensitive to impurity scattering and would not form if the scattering rates are too high.
In this frame, the main achievements of the group has been to suitably get an optimal interplay between the growth of high quality single crystals of the materials under research and the ability of investigating their properties in the temperature range from 50 mK to 300 K.
Researchers involved in the mobility plan: A. Mackenzie and C. Hooley.