Bonn University
Name: Nonlinear Optics on Strongly Correlated Solid-State Systems Group of the Helmholtz – Insitut fuer Strahlen- und Kernphysik, University of Bonn [ web ]
Contact: M. Fiebig
Description: The research program of the Nonlinear Optics group at the University of Bonn is focused on the investigation of strongly correlated solid-state systems by means of pump-probe and spectroscopic optical second harmonic generation, either from the bulk of non-centrosymmetric materials and from interfaces between centrosymmetric materials. The research program comprises the following topics: multiferroics with magnetoelectric correlations, new forms of ferroic order, nonlinear laser optics on ferroic materials, determination of magnetic symmetries by nonlinear optics, optical properties of colossal magnetoresistive manganites, interaction of frustrated magnetic lattices, nonlinear optical properties of ferroelectric structures, coupling of electric and magnetic order parameters, spin-spiral multiferroics, spin dynamics of antiferromagnetic compounds, second harmonic generation in metamaterials, multiferroic thin films, interfaces of perovskitic heterostructures.
The reseach activity is conducted in the Ultrafast Laser Laboratory, equipped with a laser system based on a Ti:Sa amplifier and two femtosecond tunable parametric amplifiers, and in two other laboratories equipped with tunable nanosecond parametric amplifiers. Each workplace can be equipped with a liquid helium cooled cryostat that allows optical experiments at temperatures down to 1.4 K. In addition low-temperature experiments in magnetic fields can be performed with an additional magnet-cryostat that is able to apply magnetic fields of up to 8 T.
Researchers involved in the mobility plan: M. Fiebig