Paola Gentile

Dates: 1 Mar 2011 - 31 Aug 2012

Main activity: Support to and coordination of research activities in the field of modelling and study of the effects of interaction between superconductivity and magnetism of complex materials and hybrid systems.


  1. Equipment: start-up support activities, tests, procedure optimization, benchmarking (including computational means): Start-up support activities for the operational modes of the computer cluster. Benchmarking codes for numerical simulation of complex quantum systems and correlated materials. Tests for ab-initio approaches to bulk materials/thin films/interfaces..

  2. Research seminars, tutorials and lectures on fabrication, characterization and computation of multifunctional materials and nanoscale phenomena: Seminars and tutorial research cases for application of different many-body approaches for correlated systems. Seminars/lectures about latest theoretical approaches to deal with correlated systems, interplay of competing orders, phase diagram in heterostructures, spin and charge transport.

  3. Coordination, support, mentoring and laboratory guidance of research activities about fabrication, characterization and computation of mutifunctional materials and nanoscale phenomena: Coordination and support to theoretical research activities about approaches for analysing physical properties of multifunctional advanced materials, computational techniques, heterostructures and electronic transport.

  4. Support activities for R&D project applications: preparation, team coordination, planning, individuation of specific objectives: Coordination and support for scientific project applications in the field of heterostructures. Support to European project application and for coordination of stragetic partnership with European research groups having high and consolidated reputations in the field of heterostructures.

  5. Monitoring, management and research guidance for lab procedures (including the lab for compuational targets): Support for monitoring, management and research guidance for methodologies for computation of heterostructures, correlated systems and electronic transport.


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