Rosalba Fittipaldi
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Dates: 1 Mar 2011 - 31 Aug 2012
- Equipment: start-up support activities, tests, procedure optimization, benchmarking (including computational means): Optimitazion of floating zone furnace performance for growth of multifunctional advanced materials single cystals. Start-up support activities for the scanning electron microscope operations. Benchmarking of the installed scanning electron microscope with micro manipulators. Tests of the scanning electron microscope with trials materials.
- Research seminars, tutorials and lectures on fabrication, characterization and computation of multifunctional materials and nanoscale phenomena: Seminars and tutorials on single crystals growth of transition metal oxides such as strontium ruthenates, high Tc superconductors, manganites. Lectures on chemical phase diagrams of systems having eutectic and peritectic transitions.
- Coordination, support, mentoring and laboratory guidance of research activities about fabrication, characterization and computation of mutifunctional materials and nanoscale phenomena: Coordination and support actions for experimental activities on bulk, textured and single crystals growth of multifunctional materials. Laboratory guidance and step by step addressing of researchers involved in the activity of synthesis and morphological, compositional and structural analysis of samples based on transition metal oxides.
- Support activities for R&D project applications: preparation, team coordination, planning, individuation of specific objectives: Coordination and support for scientific project applications in the field of bulk materials (single crystals). In particular, this activity of the recruited researcher will be of support for national and European projects application through stragetic partnership with research groups having high and consolidated reputations in the field of multifunctional materials based on transition metal oxides.
- Monitoring, management and research guidance for lab procedures (including the lab for compuational targets): Support for monitoring, management, and research guidance for methodologies of fabricating single crystals for technologically and scientifically relevant families of TMO based materials.