Gabriella Maria De Luca

Dates: 3 May 2011 - 2 May 2012

Main activity: Support to and coordination of research activities in the field of characterization and fabrication of multifunctional oxide thin films and and/or organics for the fabrication of innovative electronic devices.


  1. Equipment: start-up support activities, tests, procedure optimization, benchmarking (including computational means): Start-up support activities for mode optimization of a system for the deposition of multifunctional or hybrid thin film by using sputtering and evaporation tecnique. Support to activities about multiferroic and ferroelectric compounds including hybrid organic/inorganic compounds. Tests and benchmarking about characterization of the morphological properties ( both x-ray, afm measurements) and correlation with transport (electrical and magnetic) properties.

  2. Research seminars, tutorials and lectures on fabrication, characterization and computation of multifunctional materials and nanoscale phenomena: Research seminars and lectures about deposition and characterization of multiferroic and hybrid materials including guidance for application and experimental procedures at sinchrotron sources.

  3. Coordination, support, mentoring and laboratory guidance of research activities about fabrication, characterization and computation of mutifunctional materials and nanoscale phenomena: Laboratory guidance. Designing joint experiments with the researchers in charge of sample growth of organic compounds, within researchers involved within the multichamber deposition/analysis system called "MODA" and or involved in trasport measuemrents. Support for design and proposal of experiments at large scale facilities about specific sample characterization.

  4. Support activities for R&D project applications: preparation, team coordination, planning, individuation of specific objectives: Coordination and support for scientific project applications in the field of multiferroics and hybrid materials. Support to European project application and for coordination of stragetic partnership with European research groups having high and consolidated reputations in the field of multiferroics and hybrid I/O materials and devices

  5. Monitoring, management and research guidance for lab procedures (including the lab for compuational targets): Support for monitoring, management and research guidance of methodologies for fabricating thin films of technologically and scientifically relevant families of multiferroics and organic based materials.


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