The Steering Committee (SC) has the role to review the activities related with the project tasks for the achievement of the S&T objectives. In particular, the function of the SC is to evaluate the status of the quality project lifecycle and advancement. The SC review work deals with the actions related to know-how exchanges and about the various support activities planned in the project. Moreover, the role of the SC is to give recommendations for the organization of the Workshops and the Conference as planned in the project. It suggests topics to be addressed in the Workshops and the Conference as well qualified experts in the area targeted by the project, to be invited for attending the Meetings.

The SC is composed of three members chosen by the project coordinator in a list of independent experts from qualified research institutions, and by two representatives of the regional and national government (public sector) and by one of the association for the local commercial trades (private sector).

Scientific group:

  • Prof. Agnes Barthelemy (University of Paris Sud)
  • Prof. David Larbalestier (Applied Superconductivity Center, Tallahassee, Florida, US)
  • Prof. Petra Rudolf  (University of Groningen)
  • Prof. Alexey Ustinov (Universität Karlsruhe, Germany)

Governative (National and Regional) and private entrepreneurial:

  • Fabrizo Cobis (MIUR)
  • Raffaella Farina (Regione Campania)
  • Gerardo Gambardella (Confindustria Salerno)

Additional information